
World Art Forum I

WAF I was held in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC) in January 2022. It introduced the new concept of sustainable art to the development sector, focusing on highlighting the intersection between fine art and sustainable development and building partnerships between the development sector and the creative community. It focused on SDG 17 where national, regional, and international artists, senior government and international organization officials, development experts, academicians, and youth engaged in a completely original conversation to bridge cultural gaps and build lasting partnerships.

The Forum hosted 20 galleries and 150 artists from 30 countries who displayed unique art and participated in panels and roundtable discussions with development experts and government officials. All stakeholders engaged in a new type of discussion around the soft power of art and its connection to sustainable development.


  1. Sustainable Art as a Pillar in Developmental Projects
  2. Creative Businesses and Communities as Economic Stakeholders
  3. Sustainable Art as an Incubator for Positive, Innovative, and Empowering Green Cultures

World Art Forum Report

World Art Forum Catalouge

World Art Forum II (COP27)

The 2nd Edition of WAF at COP 27 solidified the position of sustainable art as a partner in climate action. It opened the dialogue between artists and the national, regional, and international development sectors on current achievements in climate action, proposals of creative solutions, and deeper cooperation. The Forum provided a unique opportunity for participants to marvel at the beauty and harmony of nature and engage with the key issues threatening our environments today. Artists from over 60 countries joined WAF from the 6th to the 18th of November for the duration of COP 27 to show how art can actively contribute to SDG 13: Climate Action. WAF established the connection between art and climate action through several modes including sustainable artworks, discussions, live performances, and workshops.

Forum Highlights

  1. Opening Panel with Top Government and Development Officials
  2. Sustainable Art Day Discussion Session with Development Experts and Artists
  3. Art Exhibition featuring Recycled, Digital, and Youth artwork.
  4. Art workshops and Live VR art Performances
  5. Artworks displayed in Egyptian, UN, and Resilience Hub Pavilions in the Blue Zone

World Art Forum II Report

World Art Forum II Catalouge

Sustainable Art and Human Development Initiative

The Initiative focuses on the youth empowerment and capacity building, with special focus on women and special needs. A series of workshops, contests, and exhibitions will be held under the Initiative to teach and train youth about sustainable art, entrepreneurship, and the SDGs. The progress of the Initiative will be reported on in COP 28 while a finale exhibition will be held during WAF III during the World Urban Forum in 2024.


  1. Mainstream the concept of "creative economy" by encouraging youth to set up and join creative businesses
  2. Build the capacity of women and youth in creative entrepreneurship and growing creative businesses.
  3. Teach youth art and handicrafts skills that use sustainable methods (such as recycling material, natural materials, and digital resources)
  4. Raise awareness about climate change, its impact, and the possible ways to contribute to climate action on the personal, communal, and social level.